[RENDANCE] [RENDANCE] Using this site

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The rendance site is intended to be easy to navigate. Everything should be cross-indexed, but be aware that the site is always under construction. I may well have missed opportunities for links and cross-references. You can use the search engine to be certain you're not missing something. If you notice a problem, or have a suggestion, please contact me.

[RENDANCE] At the top and bottom of each page you will find the rendance icon, as show to the left. You may click on this icon at any time to return you to the main rendance page.

Most of the sections of rendance.org are laid out similar to this one. For any page in that section you will find links to other parts of that section. These are listed between the horizontal bars under the title of the page. You may also find other relevant pages referenced here.

Turn back to the Renaissance Dance page.

Last modified on June 3rd, 2001 by Andrew Draskóy