[RENDANCE] Historical Costume

rendance | history | drama | reenactment

- The Milanese Tailor's Handbook
- The History of Costume (Online version)
By Braun & Schneider - c.1861-1880.
- Constructing a 16th century Flemish Outfit
- Northern European Renaissance Costume
- The Elizabethan Costuming Page
- The Costume Page
- The Corset Page
- Bibliography of Renaissance Costuming Books
- The Costume Gallery
- Historical Costuming
- Milieux Costume Page
- A Short History of Shoes
- Harr Theaterschuhherstellung Historical Shoemakers
- Footwear of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
- Historic Enterprises
- Medieval Clothing
- Renfair Costuming Guide

Turn back to the Renaissance Dance page.

Last modified on May 13th, 2001 by Andrew Draskóy, andrew@mun.ca